Sunday, February 22, 2009

4th of March. Whats this date about?

Hi peeps!

How is uni? Quite fun actually, i admit it. Except for the growing pile of assignments. EG. for art and craft, we had to do 3 art pictures. one, 'corak', 'mukataip' and negatif and positif pic. EAHH. corak & mukataip we've got to do it in a folio. I mean, do a folio and stick the pics on. AHRGH.

P.Rosmariah is just..nevermind. i still have corak to do. perhaps i'll do it tmrw. u never know.

i plan to study! I really need to revise alot of subjects, exam is just round the corner. 4/3/09. thats the exact date. lol. Nyway, i plan to draw corak tomorrow. then i will study. AHRgh. i feel so nerdy just by posting this post. its not a very interesting post, is it? well forget it! i shall write a new post. see you soon!


Sunday, February 8, 2009

look here, look here!

Hi peeps! I know, the title made you loo here didnt it? lol. I couldnt think of anything else! You very well cant blame me, or can you??

I am very happy! Because i received loads of comments and i know that people are reading my bloggie! For those first timers, catch up, you are missing alot! Oh and dont you all read the bullentin board?! Lots of people didnt turn up for the HPR meeting. guys did not miss much but you all missed free gallons of fresh milk and our famous roti canai.

P.Mel was supppose to come. But she said she had something on and might or might not come. i dont know! But i finished my assignments! i feel so relieved. Lissa, you better finish it by now. lol. Chanelle finished it like, on saturday. Good girl Chanelle. Too bad Chantal is not like her. Ahem, Chantal.

Ok, i just taught those little kids, JR 1 sch i suppose. I taught them multiplication! Wasnt very fun i can assure you. But it was quite fun in the begining. i have no classes today, thank goodness.

Oh right!!! EVERYONE HAS GOT TO COME for the steamboat at Ai Heng's kitchen today. Please guys, seriously, Steamboat sure is nice!!

i KNOW that CHANELLE is surely coming. Its a wonder shes so thin although she eats like a pig. hurmph. no offence channey, but its kind of a compliment, dont u think so?

Well, i have to go to HPR's office. she has some stuff to discuss with me and i have to help her clear some folders. i would usually like it but today, i feel just like to ONLY do blogging. weird..but i REALLY have to go. so ciao ciao!

Who knows, i might post up more in 15-30 minutes!

Yenny, cute as a bunny! LOL.

The drama is at its beginning.

Hey guys!!

I WAS quite dissapointed as to not get into Minimitez. sniff. still...theres still next year! Whee! but lets just forget it all, shall we?

i know..Chantal and Chanelle was asking me, why "drama is at its beginning"as a title? Anne Shirley thought it sounded..out of the place. Lissa, on the other hand, thought it was a great beginning, cause she knew what was going on and WHY.

so now, people, Chantal, Chanelle, Anne Shirley and the rest, i shall tell you why at this very moment. Its because i joined the uni drama! I am going to perform on stage, live, 16th Feb! lol. Its monday during assembly. YAY ME! Drama IS at its begining anyway. :-) hehe.

I was actually SOMEBODY's GF but then i dont know..something kind of happened and they got me and another girl called RUFINA to audition for the part. till now, i dont know who got it. I think most prob. RUFINA will get cause she's the directors friend.

gotta run now,


Yenny bunny, always funny.